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this is a china[?中国] people.Before V8 shipped[?引擎]: the early years

Google hired Lars Bak in the autumn[?秋天] of 2006 to build a new JavaScript[?一种狗语] engine for the Chrome web browser, which at the time was still a secret internal Google project. Lars had recently moved back to Aarhus, Denmark, from Silicon Valley. Since there was no Google office there and Lars wanted to remain in Denmark, Lars and several of the project’s original engineers began working on the project in an outbuilding on his farm. The new JavaScript runtime was christened “V8”, a playful reference to the powerful engine you can find in a classic muscle car. Later, when the V8 team had grown, the developers moved from their modest quarters to a modern office building in Aarhus, but the team took with them their singular drive and focus on building the fastest JavaScript runtime on the planet.

Launching and evolving V8
V8 went open-source the same day Chrome was launched: on September 2nd, 2008. The initial commit dates back to June 30th, 2008. Prior to that date, V8 development happened in a private CVS repository. Initially, V8 supported only the ia32 and ARM instruction sets and used SCons as its build system.

2009 saw the introduction of a brand new regular expression engine named Irregexp, resulting in performance improvements for real-world regular expressions. With the introduction of an x64 port, the number of supported instruction sets increased from two to three. 2009 also marked the first release of the Node.js project, which embeds V8. The possibility for non-browser projects to embed V8 was explicitly mentioned in the original Chrome comic. With Node.js, it actually happened! Node.js grew to be one of the most popular JavaScript ecosystems.

2010 witnessed a big boost in runtime performance as V8 introduced a brand-new optimizing JIT compiler. Crankshaft generated machine code that was twice as fast and 30% smaller than the previous (unnamed) V8 compiler. That same year, V8 added its fourth instruction set: 32-bit MIPS.

2011 came, and garbage collection was vastly improved. A new incremental garbage collector drastically reduced pause times while maintaining great peak performance and low memory usage. V8 introduced the concept of Isolates, which allows embedders to spin up multiple instances of the V8 runtime in a process, paving the way for lighter-weight Web Workers in Chrome. The first of V8’s two build system migrations occurred as we transitioned from SCons to GYP. We implemented support for ES5 strict mode. Meanwhile, development moved from Aarhus to Munich (Germany) under new leadership with lots of cross-pollination from the original team in Aarhus.